Saturday, May 14, 2005


Really, I haven't done shit in the past few weeks. I survived my law enforcement academy with a 91% average, but have not been able to score a LE ranger job yet.

Poor poor me, so what have I been doing since I got back to Bozeman......?

Nothing, just sitting on my butt, and kicking around the internet and playing some games occasionally. Not too exciting, but I'm enjoying the relaxation portion of things. That won't last much longer.

On Sunday I travel westward to Missoula to take my WFR(Wilderness First Responder) course. It's a crash course on being an initial response emergency medical person. Far and below an EMT certification, but I'm very happy to have this training. Hopefully it will give me enough to handle things until the professionals arrive. The plan is, this winter I'll keep my eyes and ears open, and take a Wilderness EMT course so that I can be more confident in my emergency responding.

Oh yeah, in 4 weeks Amber and I are moving to Portland! To tell you the truth, I'm pretty damned excited about it. Every single person I've talked to has had only good things to say about Portland, and the area will suit my needs quite well I think. I've been looking longingly at my mountaineering boots and climbing gear lately, so maybe it's time to fire up that old passion and again, and head for the hills.


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