Wednesday, January 18, 2006

That's French, isn't it?

Ahhhhhhh, Target. Yes, that is my current employer. I took the dive and walked into a big box store before the christmas season looking for a job. I was hired on as seasonal, but my seasonal 90 days are pretty much up, so I think they're going to keep me around for a while. Which is good, because I don't think that I've ever had a bad job performance rating in my life. Things have been a little tight, but we've cinched up our belts and are just continuing forward.

Amber survived her first semester of school. I'll tell you what, I am damn happy that I am not her. I may be waking up at 1:30 AM every day just to unload a semi truck, but I wouldn't want to be in her shoes for a second. Optometry school looks tough to say the least, but she's doing excellent at it, and I'm doing what I can to support her.

As far as law enforcement ranger jobs go I've been putting in for all the seasonal positions that have been popping up, and basically keeping my fingers crossed. I'm going to get a little more proactive here with some jobs that are closer(Rainier, Olympic, North Cascades) and try to stop in and introduce myself to some folks, hopefully that will help me in the long run. Not having a college degree is really killing me on this federal rating system. I do qualify for the position, but it's all my previous job experience that does so. It would be much easier to just turn in a transcript that says I have a 4 year degree with this many credits in relevant courses. I feel that I have been getting passed over by HR officials before my applications ever reach the hands of supervisory rangers who do the actual hiring, it's frustrating but I just have to keep on keeping on.

Amber's parents payed for a years worth of DSL as a christmas present, so we're on the internet....again. Hopefully that will keep things more up to date. Riiiiiiight. For anyone's sake who might actually drop in here, I'll try to do that.

And that's life in a nutshell, well not everything, Maddie hasn't knocked over any plants for a week, so I guess that's also news.


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